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    Awesome Fruits We provide the best services in the town.

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  • Nictron Agriculture | Nictron Agriculture Nictron Agriculture | Nictron Agriculture

    Nictron Agriculture

    About Us, Nictron Agriculture (M) Sdn. Bhd. was incorporated in year 2011 for Tropical Fruits Plantation and Frozen Fruits business Associate Member of the “Nictron Group of Companies” The company was founded by Mr. Patrick Saw Kean Sin and Co-Founder Puan Mashita Bt. Mansor to diversify into agricultural industries Nictron Group of Companies started from Electronic industries locally and rapidly expanded into world-wide market with large manufacturing facilities based in China serving for all the well-known OEMs such as Samsung, Sony, Panasonic, Hitachi, Canon, Apple (indirect), Huawei, Oppo, HP & etc. 公司简介 联业农业有限公司于2011年成立,从事热带水果种植和冷冻水果业 务 联业集团旗下公司 该公司由苏建兴先生和联合创始人Puan Mashita Bt. Mansor共同创立农业产业 联业集团公司从本地的电子行业起家,并迅速扩展到全球市场,在中国设有大型制造厂,为三星,索尼,松下,日立,佳能,苹果(间接),华为,欧柏,惠普等所有知名OEM提供服务

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  • Our Product | Nictron Agriculture

    Our Product

    Liquid Nitrogen Quick Frozen Durian 液氮速凍榴槤, Frozen Durian Pulp 冷凍榴槤果肉, Frozen Durian Puree 冷凍榴槤果泥, Musang King Durian Ice Cream 貓山王榴槤雪條, Musang King Durian White Coffee Ice Cream 貓山王榴槤白咖啡雪條, Prebiotics Ice Cream Durian Kampung Kita 益生元甘榜榴槤雪糕,Prebiotics Dragon Fruit Ice Cream 益生元火龍果雪條, Prebiotics Corn Ice Cream 益生元玉米雪條, Prebiotics Pandan Coconut Ice Cream 益生元椰子雪條 , Musang King Durian White Coffee 貓山王榴槤白咖啡, Musang King Durian White Coffee (less sugar) 貓山王榴槤白咖啡 (少糖), Original White Coffee 原味白咖啡, Original White Coffee (less sugar) 原味白咖啡 (少糖), Musang King Durian Pizza 貓山王榴槤披薩, Cheese Baked Durian 芝士烤榴槤, Hokkaido Durian Mochi 北海道榴槤麻薯,

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